🔵 PDF supports color models CMYK, RGB, shades of gray, and also it has its technical formats for performing the exchange of finished documents. They are supported by Adobe Reader and many browsers, providing the plugin is installed. Files of this format do not have restrictions on the length, several types, and image options, as they allow you to embed various multimedia tools, scan-line, and vector images. PDF documents can exist separately from the OS or hardware tools with which they were developed. It is developed by Adobe Systems using separate PostScript resources. 🔵 PDF – is a cross-platform extension necessary for the visualization of printed materials in electronic form. Google Docs allows conversion of the file to the PDF format for printing. The files cannot be edited using Jumpshare or Google docs, but instead, the two allow viewing and saving the document. As of 2012, Pages stopped supporting the open Document file type, and this is to say that the files can only be viewed using Pages, Google Docs, and Jumpshare. Files created using the past Pages version cannot be viewed using the latest versions, and it is necessary first to convert them before use.

Techniques like reverse engineering were employed in the version released in 2009 to include additional features. 🔵 There are no official publications by apple on file specifications. The version created in 2007 supports DOCX and related files, and so have other versions since then. Pages are designed such that it works well with other programs and is usable with minimum effort. The pages' users are provided with more than 140 templates to do some common tasks, but it also allows its users to develop their documents. The primary goal for its development was to make concepts in Microsoft simpler. Pages form part of the iWork productivity suites and are supported by different operating systems developed by Apple Inc. 🔵 Pages is a word processing software application developed in 2005 and has gone through changes, with a more recent version released in 2020.